GTAV Online Review

The GTA series has always had a bad reputation amongst older audiences. I could go on and on about how GTA V's story is disturbing, (especially Trevor's storyline,) and how personally I cannot stand how the storyline goes, even though I'm mature enough to withstand it, but I'm not reviewing the story. I bought this game, with the only intention of playing the Online part, because I saw previews of character customization, and a variety of activities that are possible in the online part. Before I get to reviewing the online part, and sharing my experiences with you all, I'm going to touch up on my experience with the story. It won't be too long, I promise. Everything in this game, shows how our world is pretty dark. Drug dealers, prostitiutes, violence, robbery, etc, you name it. Even social issues. It's like watching a comedy movie. They literally make fun of everyone, even the bad people, that are supposed to be viewed as the "good" people in this scenario, since you're playing Grand Theft Auto. I find a kick out of all of the things they pick at in this game, because in reality, that's how our world is, with the current issues. It even hints at racism, and sexism in this game as well. But, nobody can get butthurt over anything in this game, because it's fair treatment for everyone. I just can't play through the story because I find it difficult to see these situations at hand, and honestly I'd be disturbed with the outcome of everything. I already know the ending, and I don't mind not knowing anything before.

Now, to get back on track, I will explain to you how I feel about GTA V Online. It's a lovely open world. Not as lovely as RDR, in my easy-to-impress opinion, but more modernized, and more of a realisitic feel. I like to be able to relate to my character as I play the game, and once you get into the online part of GTAV, you have all the freedom you want. You can literally make yourself in the game, and dress your character up the way you dress. I like how you can choose wether or not you want to make money illegially or legally. I used to play a bunch of heists to get quick money, but nowadays I just race with my friends, because I find replaying heists repetitive. Races are more fun to me, and racing games have always been my favorites, ever since Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 for the PS2. You can race by car, or bike, and you can parachute, play survival with a team of friends, play missions, or deathmatches. I'm not the competitive person, even with a very close friend. Yeah, I might mess around once in a while and play rough, but I would never be able to take it serious, so I always find ways to include others in a cooperative manner. Survivals are fun, because I have a strategy with one of the maps that causes my friend and I to last until last wave, and we get about 10 grand playing through the whole thing. It's awesome how much we get, but since it takes a lot of time, we play it more for the entertainment, not for the money reward. It's a bonus. I don't have much else to say, other than it's an enjoyable experience, if you want a more modern experience, I suggest checking it out.